Friday, August 22, 2008

one more night...

Blood... I smell blood.... blood on their hands... The blood of my family! Of my father, my mother, my baby brother, never to see another sunrise! I found them... and they shall pay. The blood that was spilt will be avenged... oh yes. And I shall be the one to do it! No more hiding, no more running away! This ends here! By this time tomorrow night... they will all be gone. Never to torment us, never to make any more of us! This endless trail of maiming and destruction will end NOW!
They will never see another moon....
tomorrow ends all...

inner storm here. that up there was... normal storm. yes. normal-storm-newly-unwolf. yes. I'm sorry, I can't delete what she typed. she won't like that. don't worry though, she hasn't gone completely insane. she should be back to normal once all the scientists are dead. there's still at least a little humanity left in her... I hope...

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