Wednesday, August 13, 2008

tell me somethin' i don't know

I'm a red-and-silver wolf too... Kinda fits... The pack will be proud... maybe i'll dye my hair silver with red highlights...that would be kinda cool...what color should my eyes be?
oh, i got my computer back! yay! I gave up on the sailing-to-England thing though. I'm currently sitting in Sherwood forest. The big tree. I'm at the top. I flew to England instead, and aside from dropping my laptop onto some manned aircraft carrier and having to retrieve it under fire from the british navy, (just kidding i went into stealth mode and got it when they were all asleep...those guards were easy to nock out...) it was pretty uneventful. I met some dolphins, though. They were so playful and cute!
oh, for great quizzes, go to, it rocks!
(i'm a full-blood vampire, red wine, add/schizo, and a ninja)
duh, vampire quiz, what drink quiz, crazy test, and pirate vs ninja quiz. oh, and i'm NOT a loser (loser quiz) and i'm semi-emo (do i even need to say it?)
ok, see ya!


Spirit said...

YAY! You can post again!....Am I the only one that isn't a red and silver wolf?

Storm said...

dunno. what's echo?