Sunday, October 5, 2008

not good.

hi guys. listen, i know you're all mad right now, but could you just hear me out?
i know we're all different.
i know that under different circumstances we probably never would have been friends.
i know that it was a freak accident that brought us all together.
but haven't our lives been better since then?
i don't know about anyone else, but i would still be living with the pack if you guys hadn't found me.
and i would probably be dead.
i know we all get angry at eachother.
but that just brings us closer together, doesn't it?
we all have flaws.
i'm not afraid to admit mine.
i'm sorry i get angry at the drop of a hat and have outrageously long posts and am childish and do everything in my power to annoy sonar. 
and i know you all know a lot more flaws that aren't here.
but you're all so much more than your flaws!
sonar, you make echo happy. to see her smile, isn't that the best feeling in the world?
echo, i'm taking a stab in the dark here, but don't you love sonar, and want to make him happy too?
radar, you and echo were best friends. you made each other so crazy, but you still have a bond.
and where would jewel and your furries be without you?
heck, where would we be without you?
where would any of us be without any of you?
a lot less insane, but a lot more bored, for one thing.
we all went through terrible experiences, but we're here now
and i know my life has changed for the better for knowing you.
you're all so amazing, you light up my life
even while fighting, you abandon all strife
i love you all. can't you see?
when you all argue, a piece of me
dies, just goes all dark
is lost to shadow, and leaves its mark
but when you smile, oh the glory
the world lights up, the neverending story
continues, racing the sun
outstripping it, touching everyone
and lighting their lives too.


Spirit said...

But...I'm not mad...just a bit annoyed...

Storm said...


Just Me said...

not the poiiint rayyyyyy.

Storm that was really sweet<3

Catch and The Misfits said...

Gj, Storm! Is everything even the slightest bit better, yet? We sure hope so. Catch left a messege for you guys to read at our own blog. We hoped it would help a little.

-Cain and Catch

Catch and The Misfits said...

That was a good poem... sort of made me want to stop picking on Catch... but not quite! ;b

Got a girlfriend! She is so cool and the best thing that ever happened to me! She is called Jinx. I like her name, too, it is neat and I have never heard it anywhere else as a name before. She ROCKS!!!!!!!!!


Storm said...

i know ray, it just really hits me sometimes.
thanks echo.
hi catch and cain! i read your message, and it did make me feel a bit better. i still wish you could come trick-or-treating with us... or maybe just the trick!
congrats erin! congrats jinx too! tidings of fortune and love upon you both!