Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Life: Part 1 (early life-forest)

Ok so that’s basically all my stats, now for my life story (the abridged version, don’t worry). I, as number 13, was supposed to have my bird DNA added after my birth. I did some research (I was reeally bored), and found the procedure online. Don’t try to find the site, its really well guarded, but codes are like a language!  (see older posts). Ok, so found it online, and read about it. The rough procedure is that right before the baby is supposed to be born (like their supposed birth date) the scientists inject the bird DNA in through the mother into the baby, so the baby’s body accepts the DNA, but absorbs it after birth. Unfortunately, I developed very slowly and was supposed to be born about a month before I was actually born, so I had time to absorb the DNA. After my birth, I was taken to a school, and suffered basically the same fate as everyone else. But I was different.

When I was about 3-4, since I was the only successful one with 2 bird’s DNA, another school in a different country wanted to see/experiment on me. So I was shipped off. Unfortunately, while I was on the plane, I kinda threw a temper tantrum/created complete chaos, and a few (mostly control) wires kinda...snapped. The plane went down into a huge forest. Happily, I got out before the actual explosion, but no one else survived. Oh well, it was only scientists anyway.

See Ya!


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